coralline algae


Active Member
Do you have any in there on LR, etc? If so you can spread it by scrubbing on it with a clean toothbrush ( to spread the spores) You must have all your water params good though( salinity, dkh & calcium). Also I have seen people have better luck with coraline when they run salinity around 1.025 - 1.026 range. HTH.


New Member
You need strong water movement inside the tank by power heads at least 3 minimum. Try the Venturi Sweep powerhead midlevel model. Most important though is the Calcium, try Kent Marine Products Liquid Calcium. The powder version is good too although you have to mix it before adding to tank.
I use Kent Marine Iron for the Caulerpa macro algae and Strontium & Molybdenum for all the hard and soft corals. All three should be used if keeping a reef tank. The light set up is good if totaling 440Watts VHO I'm guessing 2WHT 2 Actinic. But the more corals you add the more light you need which is why we have Metal Halide. These duplicate the shadow cast from overhead like sun light going through the water on a reel reef something VHO can't duplicate. Just your preference which you choose.
Last thing to say is buy a Reverse Osmosis unit best water possible for your system and you'll avoid a lot of headaches.


kipass also had a good point about magnesium levels aiding in the growth of coraline, ever since i tested for that and raised my level along with the alk and calcium my coraline has spread quickly. test the mag b4 trying to raise though because at high levels it will do harm to your tank.