I actually thought of testing the nitrates in the tap water myself
The water does read 0 nitrates out of the tap so at least I have that going for me.
I have two 5 gallon buckets that I use for water changes. I am going to try to do a 10 gallon change every night this week, allowing 24 hours for the water to lose its chlorine and chloramine of course. As soon as I put the new water in, I will start a new 10 gallons for the next night.
I went out and got a phosphate test kit tonight. My water reads around 2.0 ppm. I also tested the tap water. It is somewhere between 0 and 1. So it looks like water changes will really help here.
I will never let my water quality get this bad again. Routine water changes!
Any theories as to why my chaeto wasn't growing well? Was the lighting sufficient? Was there too much flow? I did have it in a flow area. It seems like there were plenty of nutrients for it to grow...