Coralline! Make it stop!!!


Active Member
I can't seem to gt coralline in my seahorse tank, but my reef is overrun with it. I am CONSTANTLY scraping the glass off. I just have to deal with it, right?
Sorry, guess I just needed to vent...

sinner's girl

okay, what are your levels in your reef? try to match them...take a few pieces of lr and put them in your seahorse tank...
also, get a new toothbush and gently brush the coralline in your seahorse tank.
Did I already post this...
what lights do you have on seahorse tank? can you switch out some of the lr? (put lr from seahorse into reef, let coralline grow, then move it back).
Best guess would be you have more calicum and better lights in your reef?


Active Member
Originally Posted by Sinner's Girl
okay, what are your levels in your reef? try to match them...take a few pieces of lr and put them in your seahorse tank...
also, get a new toothbush and gently brush the coralline in your seahorse tank.
Did I already post this...
what lights do you have on seahorse tank? can you switch out some of the lr? (put lr from seahorse into reef, let coralline grow, then move it back).
Best guess would be you have more calicum and better lights in your reef?
Yep, I have PC lighting in my reef and just the standard lighting in my seahorse tank. I have switched the LR out, I'm going to try the toothbrush thing. I just want the coralline to stop covering my glass! It's out of control!!! Which just made me realize..why am I trying to get coralline to grow in ANOTHER tank? :hilarious


Active Member
Coraline is some strange stuff. Thos folks that want it have a hard time getting it established, and those that hate it are inundated with itl


Active Member
mine behaves, it grows everywhere except the glass. decorates my tank equipment but doesn't encrust any of it completely. encrust my LR pretty darn good and thick.


Active Member
From what I have read and experienced coraline thrives in moderate light but doesn't do well under high lighting so if you really want to stop it maybe you should try running MH's. I have PC's and coraline grows like crazy in my tank but it grew even faster with my older PC's which were lower wattage.


Active Member
Coraline definatelly likes the lower lighting. They behave under my MH's, but in my new tank with regular lighting, they're growing everywhere like mad, just wait until I install those new MH's. :happyfish


Active Member
I remember waiting and WAITING to finally see my coraline start to pop. When it popped, though, it really went wild and I attribute that "pop" to changing from Instant Ocean salt to Oceanic. At this point, I now alternate between the two salts, not with changes but by bulk. I'm now working on doing changes with Instant Ocean, when that bag is gone, I'll switch again to Oceanic, and so on and so on. I also keep a close eye on my calcium levels. With Instant Ocean, in the beginnning, my calcium level was only at 320 or so...hence the waiting. After my first container of Oceanic, it went to 460, and that's where I'm working to keep it. So far, so good.
Lisa :happyfish

sinner's girl

hey, lisa, you don't have a problem going back and forth b/w salts? I was told not do that unless there was problem (I got a bad bag of IO and bought Oceanic to prove it was the salt, so now I'm using Oceanic). I have a box of IO I asked if I could use, but was told it's best not to switch...?


Active Member
Originally Posted by Sinner's Girl
hey, lisa, you don't have a problem going back and forth b/w salts? I was told not do that unless there was problem (I got a bad bag of IO and bought Oceanic to prove it was the salt, so now I'm using Oceanic). I have a box of IO I asked if I could use, but was told it's best not to switch...?
Nope, haven't seen any problems, but then the switch is always VERY slowly. I have considered mixing the salts, but I haven't done that...hmmmm. :thinking:
Lisa :happyfish


Active Member
I think the deal on staying with one brand of salt is an old wives tale, that does not have any merit. I switch between brand X and Y, use some of brand A, and Brand G and everything else inbetween without a problem and my tanks look fine. I buy what I canget at the best price, be it tropic marin, reef crystals, Oceanic, CAtalina water, IO, Red sea or what have you....
I am curious to know how you determined you had a bad container of salt? CAre to explain how or what was that determining factor?


Active Member
Originally Posted by Jerthunter
From what I have read and experienced coraline thrives in moderate light but doesn't do well under high lighting so if you really want to stop it maybe you should try running MH's. I have PC's and coraline grows like crazy in my tank but it grew even faster with my older PC's which were lower wattage.
Not trying to ruffle any feathers but in my experience, this is not true. We have had the same lr for well over 2 years and in all the other tanks have had pc's (2x65 in fo, and 2x40 in 37reef)with NO coraline algae. It hasn't been until this tank which we are running 3x150w mh's and 4x96w pc's and have had some coraline algae!


Active Member
Originally Posted by seannmelly
Not trying to ruffle any feathers but in my experience, this is not true. We have had the same lr for well over 2 years and in all the other tanks have had pc's (2x65 in fo, and 2x40 in 37reef)with NO coraline algae. It hasn't been until this tank which we are running 3x150w mh's and 4x96w pc's and have had some coraline algae!
When I used to have my LR under NO lighting, they were doing just fine, but when I went to MH's. They bleached out on me. Coraline doesn't really like the strong lighting, but they can be acclimated to the new lighting system and do just fine. I can tell in my new tank that they're spreading everywhere within just a couple of weeks, it's under NO lighting right now. It didn't start spreading til way later at a slower pace under the MH's in my reef tank right now. :happyfish


Originally Posted by chipmaker
Coraline is some strange stuff. Thos folks that want it have a hard time getting it established, and those that hate it are inundated with itl
AMEN!...i'm trying so hard to get it started in my tank. But after year and half i only got a little on the rocks.


Active Member
Originally Posted by fallnhorse
AMEN!...i'm trying so hard to get it started in my tank. But after year and half i only got a little on the rocks.

The way I get them to spread is by scraping the existing coraline algae with my finger nails and spread the scrapings with the powerhead. :happyfish


Originally Posted by Mikeyjer
The way I get them to spread is by scraping the existing coraline algae with my finger nails and spread the scrapings with the powerhead. :happyfish
So can you use a metal brush to lightly scrape the coraline and help it spread?
Also I am running 300w MH, Will I still get coraline? Or will it just be an extremely slow process?


Active Member
Originally Posted by crustymonk
So can you use a metal brush to lightly scrape the coraline and help it spread?
Also I am running 300w MH, Will I still get coraline? Or will it just be an extremely slow process?

It just depends. It was slow for me at first, but once it gets going,,,there's no stopping it. It's going at a much slower pace then my new tank. I wouldn't use metal brush, there's no telling what's in there....You could use a brand new razor blade that is washed pretty good. Sometimes there's residue left on the razor blades from the factory....Use that to scrape coraline and hold it infront of your powerheads and let it spread. I didn't have to do any scraping in the new tank what so ever and it's spreading to places where I don't want them to grow....Since I have a bowfront and coraline is growing on the front glass, I have to scrape them off ASAP before it gets too hard to scrape....Not easy to use razor blade in the bowfront.... :happyfish


Active Member
heavy actinic lighting is whats suppose to stimulate coralline growth so if you switch to MH and cut back on the actinic flourescents or your pc set up doesn't run long actinic hours it may not grow as much or fast. My actinic lighting is on one hour before my daylight lights and several hours after my daylight lighs have gone off. Dont ask me why, this info was just sources from a coral book I own. If this is true tanks with VHO (which have much better actinic than pc) should have the most coraline growth and tanks with just MH and no/little actinic lighting shouldn't have much coralline growth.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Stanlalee
heavy actinic lighting is whats suppose to stimulate coralline growth so if you switch to MH and cut back on the actinic flourescents or your pc set up doesn't run long actinic hours it may not grow as much or fast. My actinic lighting is on one hour before my daylight lights and several hours after my daylight lighs have gone off. Dont ask me why, this info was just sources from a coral book I own. If this is true tanks with VHO (which have much better actinic than pc) should have the most coraline growth and tanks with just MH and no/little actinic lighting shouldn't have much coralline growth.
I have about the same light schedule, just a tad bit different.
12:30pm VHO Actinics on
2:30pm Right MH on
3:30pm Left MH on
6:30pm Right MH off
7:30 Left MH off
12:30am VHO Actinics off
In the new tank I have T-5's running for now until I get my MH retrofit kit installed in my canopy, it's still sitting in the box right don't totally aggree with the actinics needed for coraline growth as I have just PC's in my fuge and it's growing coraline just fine, faster then the display tank running VHO actinics and MH's. :happyfish