
Ok well heres my story, I buy zoo's DEAD. i buy sun coral, DEAD! my water is 100% perfect as said it was by 3 different perstores, and my test kit! What could be happening?


Lights - PC 260 wat (with moon lights at nite)
72 gallon bow tank. 30 gallon sump
Turboflotor Multi SL skimmer
Ammonia - 0
Phosphate- 0
pH -8.3
S.G - 1.025


Temperature is 75 degreed.
I dont know about the calcium, becuase i do nto own a test kit, but i brought water to the store today and he said its right where it should be.


Is the temperature steady at 75 24 hours a day?
Has copper every been used in the tank? Any other medications?
How long were the zoos in the tank before they died?
What animals do you have in there? anything munching on them?


Active Member
How old is the tank?
What are the inhabitants?
Do you have other invertebrates, if so, how are they?
Do you have other corals, if so, how are they?
How long have you had these corals before they die?


Active Member
i second raising the temp to around 79ish anywhere from 78-82 should be fine
it might be the way your acclimating them when u get them home u should slowly add some of your water to the bag a lil at a time to get the water to match closely to yours


Active Member
I agree that the temp. should be raised but if the tank temp is steady at 75, this would not be the cause them dying. It would MAYBE inhibit growth but not kill them. A temp. shock could cause big problems though (when acclimating maybe). I agree with the questions about copper and other tank invertebrates. Do you ever run charcoal? Its not a bad habit to get into.
Good on ya


Well here are all my tank inhabitants. and they are all 100% PERFECT.
Fire Shrimp
Cleaner Shrimp
Sun Polys
Clarkii Clown.
Serpent Star
and other various crabs/snails.
2 royal urchins
when i acclimated i floated bag for 30 minutes then did drip method.
I have a canister filter hooked upto my tank AND a sump. I run Bio-balls in the sump, my skimmer, and in the canister i have Bio-max, carbon, and phosguard. I have NEVER EVER run copper in this system.


Active Member
Originally Posted by FIshman72B
will sun coral die IF I DO put it in light, becuase i cant find anyplace for it to go where there is no light !

The don't necessarily need to be out of the light...they just DO need to be fed.
How quickly are these corals dying and do you have others that are OK?
Agree with Shoreliner11 (glad to see you here!!!!!) about temperature being an issue but not one that would cause IMMEDIATE death if that is what we are talking about. Over months, perhaps, but not in days. So that is why I am looking for clarification on that

Were the only things that died two corals bought at the same time from the same store? Is this the store you typically use?
Because damage can also be done before they ever reach your tank.....
I recently purchased two green brittlestars that I could tell were in really really bad shape from what I thought was some acclimation problem (which in this case I felt I could work on) but when I got home the specific gravity was 1.032 or a salinity of 45ppt!!!! That is REALLY high and damage was probably irreversible.


Yes, The zoo's and sun coral were bought at the same store, but the zoo's have dies sloooowwwlllyyyy. I bought a rock of about 30 polyps.. now there is about 10 left, this has been over a 2 month period. but when i put the in, my water was HORIFFIC. phosphates, amonia, ph everything.. BAD BAD BAD.. now im good though :)


Active Member
You may want to look for a small snail called a sundail snail. If you search for that on this site you should see some pictures. Also I believe there are pictures in the hitch hiker thread in the new hobbyist forum...


Why? What does this thing do?
and btw, this coral is becomg much more.. "alive if you will" it is not open, but it seems ALOT better