Corals and anemones


New Member
I just got a new tank and i wanted to make it a reef tank. I was wondering if corals and anemones could be put in the same tank together without one getting killed.


Active Member
So long as they're not touching. If the tank is big enough and the anemone is happy where you place it, they should be alright.
I am not going to put an anemone in my tank, however, because it is only a 30G and I've already got a fair amount of coral in my tank.


Active Member
I've heard a good plan of action is to get the anemone first - let him find his place and setup shop, then add the corals (keep in mind the anemone may move later on), or if you already have a few corals to move them out of the way while the anemone is finding its spot.


Active Member
make sure ur tank is at least 6-8 months old b4 adding an anemone. get a bta, they r known not to move that much.


Active Member
Yea theyll be fine but make sure they dont touch each other or else itll be a coral fight. The BTA (Bubble Tip Anemone) is a good choice. Just make sure your tank has been up for 6-8 months like nycbob said to make sure its established. The anemone will move where it finds itself most fit, but the BTA doesnt move much according owners. I dont have one myself though. I will eventually, just isnt established enough yet


Active Member
Research, read, and ask before purchasing.. this will be the single most important thing you can do, to prepare for getting one.