Corals and anemones


New Member
Hello. I recently bought a 60 gallon tank and i want to transfer it into a reef tank. I was wondering if corals and anemones could be in the same tank without one being killed.


Active Member
as long as they dont touch they should be fine. i have several corals and a anenome but i have been real lucky that my anenome dont move it is in the same place it landed when i added it. it streaches out really big but dont touch the corals


Active Member
It definately can be done. You have to be carefull though because if the anemone starts moving around it will do some damage before it finds a place where it is happy. Look on here for Murph's tank. He has a beautiful tank that is packed with corals and I believe he has a Long tentacle anemone in the tank too.


Active Member
Actually the anemone doesn`t even need to move to attack corals and vise versa . It`s called chemical warfare and usually people run carbon to help prevent such from happening .


my BTA occasionally rubs against my plate coral, zoos and has also brushed up on mushrooms, and also a flower pot. so far, everybody seems to get along with no problems.
I don't like it. I've seen rose and rbta's stay put for months, even years, and then wreak havock when they decide to move. You can, but you do run a risk.