Corals for Dummies?


Just now getting into saltwar fish and building a reed tank. Getting my tank for x-mas and its a BioCube 29. I am looking for a good book, website, thread (searched but could not find) about the basics of corals. I have read the forum for a couple days but I have some simple questions like.
1. How do you attach corals? Are the just placed in your system on the rock they came from? Is it glued or just set there? Whats the best attachment methods? Can you transition them to your own live rock?
2. When a coral says it needs medium flow what is that? Does that mean withing x distance of a pump pushing water at x gallons?
3. When a coral needs medium lighting will it survive high in a tank with pc light and lower as the light level increases, or will it need t5 or mh lights?
4. Whats the best methods to cut back or trim corals?
If someone could point me to a noob source on some basic answers I would appreciate it greatly! Thanks!


Active Member
The New Marine Aquarium
Marine Reef Aquarium Handbook
Pocket Expert Marine Ivertebrates


Thanks. I read the New Marine Aquarium before getting into the hobby and liked everything in the book. But it was more about fish, tanks, live rock vs corals. So I was looking for that good coral oriented book.
I my favorite books are: The Simple Guide to the Minni Reef Aquarium by Jeffery Kurtz;
500 Ways to Be a Better Saltwater Fish Keeper; and The Tropical Marine Fish Survival Mannuel