Corals For Sale


I have a toadstool, neon green polyps, over 6 inches tall and it is 4th generation captive grown.
I have 4 frags of blasto merletti with varying numbers of polyps purple with neon green mouths
I have a finger leather 3 in across fifth generation captive grown
I have 3 blue heads of candy cane.
I have a rock with cabbage coral adn 40 plus polyps of GSP.
I have a rock with 2 ricordea mushies, and 15 plus polyps of button polyps with neon green mouths.
I have 2 heads of neon green frogspawn.
I will accept the first REASONABLE offer for any of these and the buyer must pay for shipping and box fee.
PM Me or email me at


Active Member
Very interested if I could see some pics of the Rics, the frogspawns, and the blue candy coral...


Ill be posting pics in a couple days when I get home. I dont know what I was thinking posting this without pics. duh. Be patient please


Active Member
any possible trades of green shrooms? maybe even one "nice" sized one? and i would send you the same but in red? let me know, i have a thread up...
that way it would cost us like 7$ if that just to priority ship...


Hello all. Thanks for looking. SORRY FOR THE DELAY. everything is super healthy. the finger leather is gone. All else remains for sale. The blastos total more than 35 polyps with neon green mouths. For some reason this site is not letting me mangae attachments. Sorry. I will try to post them elsewhere and post the site address.


Here are the links. I hope they work.
The toadstool is starting to shed and does not look the greatest.
None of the pics show the true color. Sorry. The frogspawn is the mother colony, but the frag is just waiting to be cut. the skeleton is fully grown, and there is complete seperation of skin from the mother. As well, the frogspawn frag is about 5 inches by 4 inches when fully open.
I have first and second dibbers on the blastos. But offers are all accepted.


Originally Posted by joebob7
im interested in the candy cane

Check out my other threads for pics of the mother colony. or I have one on this thread.