Corals for trade in WV



1. Large mushroom rock. Dark maroonish with greenish "painted" stripes 10-15 shrooms
2. Devils hand leather, about half dollar size when open
3. finger leather about 3" just starting to branch out nicely. has a few gsp on it.
4. cabbage leather about 3"
5. purple gorgonian, photosynthetic. It's not the ribbon type, but kinda looks like a sps. About 1"
6. green zoanthid rock 50+ polyps
7. green brown palyathoas
Free Xenia umbellta frag with any trade.
I will trade for most any dry goods, small fish for a 20g (no clowns). I am looking for a Tunze wavebox. I would give these corals and cash. I'd rather not ship but I will.