Corals for trade......


New Member
Hi there. I have some corals to trade and was wondering what you were looking for? And if you will trade with someone in NE Florida?? I am interested in a few of your red/blue mushrooms and a frag of the candy cane coral? I have LOTS of zooanthids, some already fragged, mushrooms (green with purple streaks, red, bright almost emerald green, some kind of like your hairy shrooms, goldish yellow-green (hard to explain, but I'll get pics) with lighter almost neon "hairs"...
I'll go get some pics and post them for you in a will be easier than trying to describe everything.


If youre willing to ship i have a few ricordea rocks, plenty of zoos, and some galaxea. Im looking at the candy cane coral or the frogspawn


New Member
Here's some more pics... The first pic shows my Mean Green Zoos the second pic is a frag of Superman zoos, which look really cool by the way. And the third pic is a closeup of my multi zoo rock; there are brownish zoos with green centers, peachish-pink starburst zoos, pastel pink zoos and some superman zoos (reddish orange centers)



I like your hairy mushrooms and the red mushrooms with blue spots. If you like any of my corals lemme know k? Also.. u are willing to ship right? (in san antonio TX)

tx reef

Active Member
It will be about 2 weeks before I frag anything again. I am trading with a guy in Oklahoma this week.
JOE123 & mark_D; I will let you guys know when I have some more frags.
It would be nice to trade with some folks in Texas for a change.

l.i. geo

Hey Tx Reef, Are Ya Interested In Yellow Tangs Lyretail Anthias Or Blue Mandarin Dragonet, Also Have Red And Orange Tree Sponges, Im Interested In Your Shrooms