Corals grow but not the shrums


Active Member
Okay I am at a bit of a loss here, I put in some shrums (3 different types) about 5 weeks ago and they have not grown much if any in that time. On the other hand the corals I put in have done very well, along with the clams.
Water parameters are good, execpt for some nitrates which I am working on reducing (its around 15ppm)
Is it possible they are getting too much light?
I say this because the one w/the most light is doing the worst, while the one further from the HM is doing the best.
Should I be giving them something to be chowing on?
my understanding was that they were super low maintence and didnt require anything but light.


Hmm, IMO it's possible that they are receiving too much light. Try moving your shrooms around where there's not too bright. If your other corals are doing fine when nitrate is 15, your shrooms shouldn't be doing bad because of that. Oh, do you have pics of your shrooms???? That may help identifying the problem.


Active Member
holding their own.
In the previous post the green shrums used to cover the entire rock. These have not really changed.
I dose weekly:
stront & mon
essential elements - all kent products
dailey/as needed calcium and buffer to keep alk on track.


Active Member
Btw the reds get the least light and the other two probably get similar levels, the green slightly more possibly


I had similar shrooms of your first pic there and mine did look something like that at the beginning but now it's much better. I think they don't adapt to changes in environment that well but they are certainly alive. I would give them time or you can try moving them, but they are gonna look the same at the beginning after you moved them.


i think too much light is probably the reason as well. i also have shrooms.. generally easy to care for.. but you just have to find the right place for them. i've had to move my shrooms around a lot before they were happy.. by happy, i consider fully open and dividing...


I think shrooms can get too much light. I also think you may want to consider the light that was available to them prior to your purchasing them. Perhaps too drastic a change is giving them a "sunburn".

Try moving them to a lower or shady spot in the tank.
I also got some zooplex by kent marine. It measures in a little larger, 800 microns. I can't swear that made the difference, but mine looked better within a day of my adding it.


Active Member

Originally posted by Kip4130
my vote is to quit all of the additives... do 20% monthly water changes... and keep Ca-dkh in line with a two-part system or kalkwasser.
I do 10% biweekly, good enough right?
i have had shrooms under everything... hi to low light... halide to vho to pc


i had a hitchhiker shroom in my tank for over 2 yrs, all othewr corals were growing great, but this purple shroom was just doing nothing, one day i can home and i noticed it on the move, i know have 5 purple shrooms.. some shrooms take awhile to get comfy and grow, others are happy and just relax, if you want more cut off the top and tie it down with bridal net, noto nly will the stem regrow the top but the top will regrow a stem.. instant propagation... but be patient 5 weeks is still an acclimation peroid for all corals imo...


a 10% biweekly wc is better than 20% at once like kip said.. i do a 15-20% every 3 weeks, all depending on how much time i have.