Corals - How Do They Spread


New Member
I have a question concerning corals like zoos and green star polyps. I have read they they grow - that the colony of zoos get larger, how does this occur. I have a very nice looking colony on a somewhat small piece of live rock. I put this piece of rock on top of my existing live rock. Once the zoos take up the entire piece of the rock they are on what happens next ? Do they release from this rock and spread to others ? I am interested to know the process.


Active Member
they have like a mat the expands over the rock and as it grows more polyps pop up.
The star polyps I think they drop their sprouts like little seeds and grow like that.
this pic started as a 2 in of zoo's now it like a 1-1/2 ft X1ft piece of LR


Active Member
It will grow down and go onto the next rock it touches or walls.The leather coral and skimmer was next to that an now has zoo's on it.


Active Member
Originally Posted by digitydash
they have like a mat the expands over the rock and as it grows more polyps pop up.
The star polyps I think they drop their sprouts like little seeds and grow like that.
this pic started as a 2 in of zoo's now it like a 1-1/2 ft X1ft piece of LR
About how long did that Zoo spread take? My zoos are sparse on the rock they are on, but my GSP is truly like a weed. It is spreading off the rock they are on to the rock they are leaning on and on the sand bed. I'm thinking of getting rid of the original rock because this is such a small tank.


Active Member
Originally Posted by GrouperGenius
About how long did that Zoo spread take? My zoos are sparse on the rock they are on, but my GSP is truly like a weed. It is spreading off the rock they are on to the rock they are leaning on and on the sand bed. I'm thinking of getting rid of the original rock because this is such a small tank.
2 yrs it took to cover that rock and some on the other rock.Some zoos grow fast and some don't I dont know why.I have bought some other kind of zoos to bring more color into my tank.Will see what happens with them.


Active Member
gsp will grow from the mat. u can cut a small piece of mat and hv it place on another rock to spread the gsp. zoas reproduce from dropping or splitting.