corals in a 10 gal


I have a 10 gal almost finishes the cycle and i would like to put a few corals in there when its time. since i can't put much in there i would like to pur only bright corals in there. any ideas on what i could put in there


email me, i can give you a site that you will be more helpful. It is nano specific.
as far as corals go though, it depends on your lighting, which if you are going to have seahorses I don't know that it could be that intense. Some shrooms or ricordea would be really nice. You could also look into some zoos. If it is for seahorses though, you will want a bunch of macro algae in the tank for them to hold on to, and the flow needs to be relatively low so try to match your tank with some low current corals.


Active Member
I think mushrooms would be a great way to go. Aggie and Overanalyzer are the resident Nano keepers, they will know best.:D


Was that the one in his kitchen? There are some very fine examples of nanos on the net, you just have to know where to look.;)


Mine currently has some mushrooms, a colt frag, and a xenia frag. All are doing well, but I know one of these days I'm going to have to do some trimming on those two frags!!!


Active Member
Yeah I think a lot of people keep nano's but don't talk about them too much .... especially based on that *other* board. J21Kickster has a rocking nano as well ....
I used to have Brooklyn Johnnies saved but I can't find it anymore - if you can please bump it up DVSKIN.
Personally I think a seahorse tank is a lot different then nano reef.
Personal belief - in a nano reef you want everything to stay proportional - so you would want to keep small corals or coral frags. I just added a bunch of frags and they look awesome. In a ten gallon I think you could keep something a little bigger than what I have in my 5 gallon, but I think full sized corals or large versions look out of place in a small tank - that is just my opinion. So if you can get some small frags and have a larger tank to move them to in the future you can grow frags for a larger tank and move them later.
In a seahorse tank I would think you would want branching corals/rocks and maybe some small sponges and macro algea that they can latch on to and hold. You would also not want as much flow or light which would limit you to some 'shrooms, some polyps, xenia maybes and some other low light corals. The issue is it is hard to find a low light coral that is also not a low flow that stays small and would fit into a seahorse tank.
I have seen some awesome nano's that are dedicated to seahorses but not sure if I recall a straight 10 gallon one ....
MODS: delete if you need to - but go out and check


Active Member

Originally posted by broncofish
I think mushrooms would be a great way to go. Aggie and Overanalyzer are the resident Nano keepers, they will know best.:D

Thanks man!!!
Over 2 years of research before starting a 5 gallon tank helps a wee bit ....
plus flaming out on smaller tanks in the past - failure sometimes is the best teacher!!
check out that other nano-reef site - a ton of true experts there!!
I think SWF should have a specific Nano-reef section IMO


Here are some examples of nice nanos. Sorry, none with sea horses.
well i thought I had more saved on my hard drive but this is all i can find for now.


Another, this is a 10 gallon and my ispiration for starting a 10. The previous one was a 7 gallon bow by the way.


Active Member
Personally that second one is too packed with everything right on top of each other .... you have to be cautious in that type of set up so you don't start a checmical war ....
But I think it is broomer's tag line
Your Tank ~ Your Choice .....
I think I saved that 10 gallon seahorse pic @ home I will have to look .....


Active Member
Overanalyzer or Aggie05, do either of you happen to have a link to the South American nano? It was kept w/o any filters or WCs, and was a 7 gallon I think. He posted on Nano-Reef awhile back, maybe 6-8mos, with a bunch of info about his tank. If either of you happen to have a link could you post it please?


Active Member
sorry I lost a lot of stuff like that that I had saved due to some hard drive clean-up stuff .... I may have saved the link in my e-mail though I doubt it....


ive been wondering whether i should ditch the seahorse idea and go with a clown which is probably what im going to do since i would like it to be a tank with some nice corals which i cant really get with seahorses(the lighting) if i did ditch the seahorse idea what would you guys recomend for lights that could support some nice corals? thanks for all the help guys


Well as you can see in my sig, over my 10 gallon I have a 2x32 watt power compact hood with one 10,000K bulb and one 03 actinic bulb. This comes out to 6.4 watts per gallon which is good enough for any softie and I may be able to raise a few of the more light demanding corals, but we will have to see. The second pic I posted, which is crowded as overanalyzer stated, has the same lighting as me so you can get an idea of what the possiblities are. My best suggestion is to figure out what livestock you may want first, this will then tell you how much light you need. Then go from there.
and if you haven't already checked out then you need to. It is a wealth of info all dedicated to nanos.


Active Member

Originally posted by Aggie05
and if you haven't already checked out then you need to. It is a wealth of info all dedicated to nanos.

I agree - I lurk there often and spent a lot of time out there.
Also - like Aggie said do some cruising and think about what you want in there and what your goal for the tank is .....
If it will be your only tank and you can be patient with frags then go for it .... if you want to be flashy and showy then figure out a couple of must have corals and plan around those ....
check out as there are as many options as there are personalities....