corals in FLORIDA


I have a thread in the classifieds for my 29 gallon reef, but no bites yet, everyone just wants the rock, so I need to get these corals out before I sell the rock.
I have:
Bubble coral $15
rock with about 6 brown spotted shrooms $20
rock with about 45 yellow polyps(spreading quickly)- $30
rock with about 35 yellow polyps- $25
[BBIG [/B]b]ubble tip anemone- $40
green goniopora(this is also quite large)- $35
toadstool leather- $20
Pick up only for now, if I get desperate I will start shipping, but not yet.


Active Member
What color is your bubble and if you start to ship let me know, I may take the bubble. Do you have a picture? You can email me at miketracyowens at entouch dot net


Originally Posted by smmcinto
I have a thread in the classifieds for my 29 gallon reef, but no bites yet, everyone just wants the rock, so I need to get these corals out before I sell the rock.
I have:
Bubble coral $15
rock with about 6 brown spotted shrooms $20
rock with about 45 yellow polyps(spreading quickly)- $30
rock with about 35 yellow polyps- $25
[BBIG [/B]b]ubble tip anemone- $40
green goniopora(this is also quite large)- $35
toadstool leather- $20
Pick up only for now, if I get desperate I will start shipping, but not yet.

Dude where are you located at? in SFL
Any pics?


shipping would be this.... wasn't sure on your exact zip codes so I guessed 33605
FedEx Home Delivery®
Delivery in 1 business days
so I will say $150 shipped
let me know