This was a very large Toadstool that I cut in five peices. I want to trade four of them and keep one. If I sould them they would be farely cheap. Email me at: under title "CORALS"
No set price. I'm pretty sure I have to put them on different rocks since the rocks they are on are either too large of LR to give away or they have other corals on them.
So if you have a rock for them they can be real cheap. I don't think I'd get much in store credit for them.
a supply of available parts of that nice thing might help.
I don't understand this question. There are five seperate pieces and I plan to sell/trade four of them.
Hi there,I am very interested , I am going on holidays and will be back next weekend, I will take probably 2 of them. I am not far from you, I am in ND. Please figure out shipping to 58765.
I may want one. BUT....will inverts be hard on them? My daughter will be expanding her invert collection. Also, how hard are they to keep? How much moola would you like? I am in WI....2 hours to twin cities. where are you in MN?
I live in St. Pual.
Do you have any coarals now. Inverts are fine, BUT you need to be prepared to have a coral tank. Water quality needs to be super high and strange lighting is a must. I'll deffinately have to make sure if anyone buys one they are ready. I don't want to sell them to their peril.
I will take one, don't have much to trade but cash.
I do have green & purple mushrooms and some frogspan.
frogspan really can't frag to small yet.
let me know
I don't have any coral now and I think I remember reading that I should 6 months or something? I think I will just hold off and let the experienced people take advantage of this great offer. I'm too 'novice' at this time.
I have had my trank up and runngoing ofr about a year no no problems and currently have a rose anemone adn somee zoos in my tank how much for the toadstool?? and can you ship? My email is