corals-something wrong


hey guys i currentley have a 150g reef tank but i really cant consider it major reef because i dont have very many corals
well i have a double color frogspawn(8 stalks), a green hammer(2 stalks) and 2 kenya trees
well for the past 2 days while my brother has been in charge all my corals have been closed and i have not seen them open do any of you know what is wrong i really hope they dont bleach out
what can i do to help this
what is the wright sg for reef i thought it was 1.026
i really need help


Will really need some more information on the tank in order for everyone to help. What are your exact water parameters? Lighting? This information and anything else that you can tell us about your tank will be useful in helping to determine what is wrong.


Well-Known Member
As cmaxwell has asked, what are your parameters? What is your lighting? What is your internal flow rates? Did your brother dose any chemicals? Did your brother over feed?
What are you feeding your corals? Cyclopeeze, DT's Phytoplankton?
Do you have a protein skimmer? Is it clean and working properly gathering a thick skimmate?
Do you have a sump that is clean and have an adequate turnover rate?
Next time you need to leave out of town, just get your brother to put RO water in the tank and skip the fish feedings.


hey guys i recentley like an hour ago changed the powerheads and they seem to be doing alright
thank you for the info