Corals split?


I have a purple, what I think is some sort of finger leather coral. Last night I was moving some rocks around the tank, being very careful about the coral. I placed him back on some rocks (he is attacked to a small rock that stayed with him durring moving around) he was kinda....lazy lookin, laying all his arms down. Today half is back upright and half still laying down, but it looks like it is tearing it'self in half?? the 'foot' is seperating. Is this normal (I have a feeling I know the answer...NO
) but you never know. Did I hurt the poor fella some how? :scared:


Do you have any pics?
That could be him splitting, but hard to say without a photo to look at.
This may be him/her reproducing many corals do it this way. keep an eye on it, I have a feeling you are going to have 2 of these soon. :notsure:


yea if its a leather they do that often, reproduce, you can also do that to them manually aka "frag it" ...i just did my toadstool leather, cut it right in half and now the head is already polyping and trying to attach to a new rock, while the stub will grow a new head from what i hear in a couple weeks time!!!