Corals under 24 watt compact flourescent? (12 gallon JBJ)


Active Member
Title kind of says it. I thought JBJ's had 48 watts, but they have 24..
I want:
candy cane
yellow polyps
sun coral
if they work
they probably won't
(need advice)
What are all of the corals that can be under a 24 watt CF? (2 wpg)
Please help here.. kind of in a burden now


Active Member
Wow! thanks, thats a load off my mind.
what about
what lighting do you recommend for frogspawn and/or the xenia/hammer?
I tried to search for more wattaged bulbs for a JBJ 12 nano.. but I only found 24 watts, so I think Im stuck


Active Member
LPS? frogspawn, hammer, and torch?
The live rock at my LFS has a BUNCH of feather dusters growing on them. about 5.99 per pound. Premium Fiji Live rock.. good price?
anyway.. I was wondering if it would be OK for them to go through the cycle?


yeah it should mine did and lps's are torches frogspawn galaxia candy cane pretty much anything that can in flate its self


Active Member
K, thank yah much. Getting the tank tomorrow.
should be ordering the other stuff this week.. went to LFS to find that what I wanted wasn't there.. so I'll be looking at a bare tank for a week or so.
Fun Fun
But its nice to know the information ahead of time so I can research
Thanks again Kidreef


Active Member
I'm under the impression that a lot of/if any corals cannot be kept under 1x24 watt CF. Does anyone have this nano cube, that hasn't upgraded to different lights? and has corals in it?


I gotta disagree strongly with Kidreef.
The lights you have are not going to be ok for most LPS. Imo/ime, frogspawn, candy cane and the rics are going to need more light than what you have.
There are alot of shrooms and softies that you can have with those lights but not rics .


Active Member
alrright, thanks.
what if I put them high on my rock? closest to the light possible.. would it make a difference?


Active Member
I found a new coral that I really like.. do you know how toadstool coral would do under this kind of lighting?