I plan on putting zoa's, ricordia, mushrooms and probably some more in my tank. Is there anything special i need to learn? Can someone explan or give me a link?
Originally Posted by Marvin Willis http:///forum/post/2681182
I plan on putting zoa's, ricordia, mushrooms and probably some more in my tank. Is there anything special i need to learn? Can someone explan or give me a link?
Well there's light. parameters aren't as strict cause those are the "easy" corals.
Feed them. Rics will eat directly, some shrooms will too, zoas will not and paly's will.
hmmm.. what else...
dont want to put 2 awesome corals next to each other if there will only be 1 man standing.
zoos, shrooms, palys, etc seem to be ok next to each other.