

...are they hard to keep? I'm new to saltwater but I would like to add some to my tank in the near future. What are some good beginner corals? What do you have to do to take care of coral? I have a nice T5 light-so that's covered. Have 2 powerheads in my 55. Any input would be appreciated.


Active Member
Depends on the type of coral.. all the corals will have different care levels.
I started with a basic mushroom then got a trumpet and then a rock of Zoa's all are pretty hardy and are great first corals


about 2 or 3 weeks. I'm not going to get any right now...but probably within the next 2 or 3 months. When is it okay to add them?


Active Member
my tank was about 1 month or so old when I added my first coral.. looks great! one of the mushrooms just split and then doubled in size and the zoa's are already spreading and growing even more!


I would start with mushrooms, kenya trees, button polyps, zoas. Once you get used to growing these you can try other corals.


Active Member
my tank was about a month old when i got a bunch of free frags. I go 1 green scripps acro, 4 devils hand frags, 2 brownish monti cap frags, candy cane/trumpet, and a frogspawn. All did great for a week! Now my tank is probabaly 1 1/2 months- 2 months old and as far as corals go i have: 2 green acros (one is green for the body the other is green for the polyps), 4 ricordia (2 florida, 2 yuma(except one of the yumas might be a rhodacis mushroom i havnt quite id'd it yet..), 4 devils hands, 3 different types of mushrooms, button polyps, candy cane, and a pulsing xenia.
So far so good! =)