

New Member
Ok so I am looking at some of the merchandise here at and I am reading about the Ricordia mushrooms and Sea Mat polyps. Acording to the web site these corals are beginner level. Is this true or are they just trying to sell these to some inexperienced soul, one much like myself??
Also I would like to start collecting some corals and inverts, any suggestions on some of the more hearty corals???

nm reef

Active Member
Ricordia or star polyps would be a good choice for early additions to a cycled stable system with the circulation/filtration/lighting to provide adaqute conditions. I think they'd be good selections to start building a reef around myself....:cool:
They can be easy to propagate and in the right conditions both are above average hardy.....I like 'em.

I dont have any star polyps so I really cant say about those. I do highly recomend mushrooms. Mine have been very forgiving through my learning.


New Member
I have mt of the necessary equipment for a reef tank. Although I am not sure if I need anything like powerheads? I have a protein skimmer wich I am not happy with it is a prism. :mad: So I have decided to look on the DIY page and see if I could build one. I get the basic concept its I'm not sure what material I will need etc...
another question is what other levels should I be watching with coals and inverts in my tank other than the taditional salinity, ph,nitrate,nitrite and amonia? What do I feed the polyps. I have good lighting and my tank is a FOWLR. My fish are all reef friendly. Any insights are greatly appreciated.

nm reef

Active Member
The "other" levels to maintain would be calcium in the 400-450 ppm range...alkalinity around 2.8-3.5 meg/l...and a stable ph of 8.3 with a temp range of 78-82 degrees. Maintenance of these levels over a long period and a stable/mature system with proper lighting/circulation/filtration are vital for keeping corals long term.:cool: