Corls or Anemone


i was wondering if i can add any corals or anemones i have a 60 (up greading to 150 next year) gal 70lbs of lr pc lighting 65x4 all fish 2-3inc christmas wasse,vol lion,bicolor angel.niger triger,naso tang or should i add another small fish ?scooter bleeny?


Active Member
You could add some mushrooms and zoos with that lighting. The anemone needs more intense lighting. Most require metal halides.


Originally Posted by jayinvegas
i was wondering if i can add any corals or anemones i have a 60 (up greading to 150 next year) gal 70lbs of lr pc lighting 65x4 all fish 2-3inc christmas wasse,vol lion,bicolor angel.niger triger,naso tang or should i add another small fish ?scooter bleeny?
prepared to get flamed you are over stocked very badly already and you want to add another fish


and the volitan will grow about 10 inches in the next year and die if you dont get rid of him or upgrade and the naso will need alot more room and if he gets stressed very badly he can get ick and make your whole tank sick back to the lion if grows that big the fish will have no room to swim and the trigger will shred the lions fins