Coroline algea???


New Member
My tank has been up and running for about 3 months now and everything is looking great! I don't have much coroline algea growing yet. I do add calcium and I have been using reef solution. Everything seems to be really happy and thriving, but no beautiful purple algea yet. Does this take long to get started, or do I need to add something new? Thanks for any info.
I didn't have much coraline until i started adding coral vital to my aquarium. I had a lot more coraline growth after about three day's of using it.


Active Member
The more you have to start with the fsater it will spread. By a piece of encrusted live rock and blow a powerhead across it. If you already have some strong current is very important. Calcium 380 or higher.


i seem to be loosing some of the corlaine algae of my rock is this possible or could just be ive added better pieces since. But im pretty sur eive lost some