

New Member
Recently bought LR and it has green and purple coraline on it however it is starting to peel off in certain spots
Ques how do I know if LR is actually alive and when will I see results from growth
The aquarium that I bought it from said it was just added to the LR tank and would be ready in a couple of weeks but it had the green and purple on it already so I'm not sure what he ment please someone explain did I buy dead rocks:confused: :confused:


You bought uncured live rock meaning it will go through a die off stage. You will lose some macro alge and plants if any
1) how old is your tank?
2) what kind of lights are running?
3) what are your water perams?
If that rock stinks, for sure it's going through a die off


New Member
I have two blue lights 20 watts
and two 50/50 lights
Tank has been established for a year
No the rock didn't smell but looked rather fresh
water is fine


Duke, there are a lot questions and answers the best thing to do would be a search on coraline. Sounds like you bought live rock, not dead rock. Anything living on it would make it live. just my .02