Correct Temp


Active Member
Originally Posted by BrendaC
What is a good Temp to keep my Aquarium at? Is 82 too high?
anywhere between 78-82 is ok. You just want to avoid temperature fluctuations. i keep my reef 79-80.


Originally Posted by BrendaC
What is a good Temp to keep my Aquarium at? Is 82 too high?

I have read from some very good reef books that say 80 to 83 is the NORM, they say that the average temps from about 1000 reefs worldwide is 81....
IMO anything under 79 is too cold (unless you have a cold water tank).


Originally Posted by XoXoX
I have read from some very good reef books that say 80 to 83 is the NORM, they say that the average temps from about 1000 reefs worldwide is 81....
IMO anything under 79 is too cold (unless you have a cold water tank).
78-80 is good, just make sure it is STABLE temp fluxuations will stress your fish.