Cortez Stingray Compatibility?


New Member
I am about to get a cortez stingray and havent found much info on them. I have been searching everywhere and cant seem to find what other fish they can be with. I really want to get a Miniatus Grouper and was wondering if they would get along. Any other fish that should or definately should not be with a cortez ray could you please tell me?


Cortez stingrays can only go with certain fish. Tangs are the leading fish that are put in with the rays. You have to get them when they are small b/c they can nip at the ray. You can also do certain species of sharks like a bambo shark. You can also do lion fish, comets, and a moorish idol. That's all I can think of right now.


Originally Posted by Bushman3
I am about to get a cortez stingray and havent found much info on them. I have been searching everywhere and cant seem to find what other fish they can be with. I really want to get a Miniatus Grouper and was wondering if they would get along. Any other fish that should or definately should not be with a cortez ray could you please tell me?
What sized tank do you have? It is a question of environment. What is in the tank? Can you post a picture of your tank?