

Active Member
i know that these questions get asked a lot but i guess it needs to be asked at least one more time
i have the oppurtunity to get a small cortez sting ray, all day i have been reading about them but i want someones personal experence with them, anything would be great
they tank he would be going in for the moment is a 90( they are small, from what im told) but my 300 gal pond is in the making and should be done around march
again anything helps
i want all feedback good and bad
thanks babyb


Active Member
o and just a little side note
today my boyfriend baught me a pencil urchin they size of an open hand, its huge and has coriline (sp) all over they spines


do you mean the pond will finally be set up in march? cause even after it is set up i would still wait another six months after it is running to add a stingray.


Active Member
what are the dimensions of the 90 gallon.. they are small as babies but they grow VERY fast! i thnk if you are setting the pond up in march why not wait anyway? once you set the pond up i can helo you to get good deals on rays when your finally ready for one..i think you will save yourself some headaches if you just wait..


Active Member
that sounds good i have been thinking about it and was thinking about waitting because i dont want something to not come together and have a stingray that is to big for the tank
thank you for the offer that is awsome


Active Member
i have been looking toward the pond but the more i think about it the more logical it is for me to have a tank, what size would i need for a cat shark and a stingray
and i know they prolly cant but could i keep a pork puffer with a cat shark and stingray, i already have him and i like my little buggzy alot, but i was just wondering if i could downsize my tanks a little


Active Member
no puffers with sharks or rays unfortunatly. if you want a shark and a ray iw ouldnt go any smaller than a 300 like mine..the dimensions are perfect and you cana lso have alot of other fish with them..


Active Member
They get pretty large at 22 inches full grown..they also need a cold water system to thrive A.K.A a chiller.. ive kept them without one but later decided it wasnt fair for the animals because although eating awesome and thriving they just werent where they should be so i put them in their own cool water system that a guy near me has..but i did have them for along time and they get big quick!


Active Member
so far what im think of putting in with a cortez and a cat shark is a yellow headed eel
what else could i, i dont seen to have luck with tangs, i have had several and at the three month mark they all die, i fee them formula 2, red and green algea sheets, and my water levels are all great
maybe a lion or two
i have been searching the big

site and found a tank that is a 125 for $100, would that be ok till i can get 30 or so, how long would that work


Active Member
Imo you cant put anythign that you mentioned in a 125.. i have a 125 reef and evan if i took all the live rock out and put either my shark... or my eel... or my lions.. or my rays in there they would make that tank look like a 30 gallon, but thats just my opinion.. and honestly your wating money if you buy and set up a 125 then in 4 months get a 300..
these once again are my oppinions..
ALSO you need to figure out why your tangs are dying before buying sharks or rays.. sharks and rays or alot more delicate to care for than a tang..and require alot of oversized filtration to keep the levels nice and low in the tank..


Active Member
i would most deffitlyget the 300 in a few months but would it be ok for just the ray, i would not put the shark or an eel or a lion in the 125 i would wait for the 300


Active Member
well once again its against my opinion but its your call. I dont think a 125 wuld hold anythign for too long honestly out of your choices but...
i do just think if you have a 30 in a month why rush a ray and put it in a 125? this way if anything does fall through your not stuck with a stingray that cant have any tankmates and is wayy too big for a 125? i would save that 100 bucks from the 125 plus the money for filtration and save it all for the 300 pond
it will cost you about 300 bucks at minimum for a skimmer to run the 300 pond alone let alone pumps, salt costs etc. etc..


New Member
Hey Baby...
I know that you feel these creatures are really cool...
and would be so awesome to have as pets....
But take the LIVING CREATURES needs into consideration
IMO opinion a 300 Gallon is to small for a shark doesent give it much of a life worth living....
You ask if all these things can live in a 125 gallon.... =(
Probably the same way a Prisioner can live in a Cell for life I guess.
Simply think about the creature first then yourself.


Originally Posted by smelllikefishy
Hey Baby...
I know that you feel these creatures are really cool...
and would be so awesome to have as pets....
But take the LIVING CREATURES needs into consideration
IMO opinion a 300 Gallon is to small for a shark doesent give it much of a life worth living....
You ask if all these things can live in a 125 gallon.... =(
Probably the same way a Prisioner can live in a Cell for life I guess.
Simply think about the creature first then yourself.
lol you do realize that the post before urs was liek a year old