cost of live rock


New Member
I have a friend going to Florida later this week for a couple days and was wondering if live rock was cheaper in Florida than it is here in runs around $5 a pound here. If so, I was gonna have her grab some on the way home.


New Member
also...someone told me to soak the live rock in tap water for about 10 minutes before putting it in my tank to kill some kind of this recommended?


Active Member
No, not any cheaper in south florida unless you find a sale.
Cheapest I seen it down here was 3.99 a lb on sale

marine qa

$5.00/# is not bad. Many people pay allot more than that. Also, how would your friend get the LR home. It must be shipped in a particular fashion.
I would not rinse LR. I never have and iv'e never heard of anyone doing it. I would think it would kill allot of the organisims you have paid for.


Like Marine QA said, LR has to be shipped in a particular fashion. It can't just be dumped in a garbage bag and hauled home.
Anyway, I think I'd rather pay a little more and see the rock before I order. Or else order online from a reputable dealer.


New Member
okay...thanks everyone...guess i'll just pay the $5 since there is not that much of a difference and definately will not soak it in tap water...thanks again.


This site will sell you LR for around $4/lb and deliver it for FREE!!! I've haven't bought any from SWF but if anyone has I'd love to hear how it looks.
I would just buy the live rock nearest you.
Heck my dealer sells it for $9.87 per pound.
Do not soak your lr in tap water but what you should do is when you bring it home put it in a pan filled with pre mixed salt water and scrub it with an old toothbrush and a brand new stiff paint brush to get all the dead or dying organisms off.


I feel really lucky listening to these posts!! I have 3 different petshops around me that sell fully cured fiji live rock from $3.99 to $4.99 a pound. I can't imagine having to pay $6.99lb!! I would definetly be ordering online if I were you guys :)