Cost Of Living

duece biga

New Member
how much eXtra do you think it cost to run your aquarium a month. Lights,filters,heater etc? Do we really know how Expensive this Hobby is????:scared:


Active Member
If it helps, I have a 55 gallon with metal halides. I set up a reef tank with a little over 1 pound per gallon of live rock. I have spent around $1,500 setting up the tank. I spend around $25-$30 a month on maintainance. I sometimes spend slightly more if I run out of supplements or food or salt.


Active Member

Originally posted by Loodachris
Do you mean electricity? Paying your bills on top of the expenses up front??

I think that is what he meant.. I have no clue as far as my tank goes.


Active Member
this is one damn expensive hobby true that....
i often wonder how much i woulda saved if i never got a tank :D but its a fun hobby i guess


Active Member
it seems that my 55 costs me about 30 more a month, and now 50 with my 40. i don't run halides yet. have one, but since the electricity is on my gf's tab i should wait awhile as she keeps wondering about the increase. (i pay all the other bills) i blame georgie dub!
so anyways, it doesn't cost me anything.