Could Be Ick, Not Sure?


i have a 100 gallon tank with a russet dwarf, red tail trigger and koran angel. I had a pakistan butterfly as well.
about 4 days ago i noticed my fish start to "itch" they also have been darting around the tank erratic. They are still all eating well. The butterfly died Im sure becasue there is some sort of parasite in the tank. But he was eating also, so im worried about the others.
I have been montoring the tank very closely still no physical signs of ick. I have been treating the tank with this stuff called "kick ick" as this darting and scratching, is a major symptom of ick, hasnt helped yet.
What do you guys think it might be. No signs of velvet either, and all fins and scales are in place so its not fin rot or popeye.


New Member
if it is a parasite, you could try a fw dip. use declorinated water and don't leave your fish in for more than10 min. it could work. just be careful to watch it and put it back into tank if it shows signs of extreme stress.:D


If it is ick, DO NOT give the fish a dip. It won't help. Begin Hyposalinity... There is a goldmine of information on this site, or if you have additional questions, post and we'll try and help.