Could I add a Blood Cleaner Shrimp


I have 2 yellow tail damsels that I added 3 weeks ago and a True Perc that I added 2 weeks ago. I have about 6 Astreas(I had ten but, death bug got to them, they drowned after falling and plus some crabs got them) and ten blue legs that I also got 2 weeks ago. I added 5 scarlet reef hermits about a week ago. I have a 55 with good water quality and it is 9 weeks old.
I was wondering if it would be to soon to add a cleaner shrimp or should I wait out longer?


Will be no problem, add two if you can afford it
If you add one and later will want to add another one, they will fight.
My first one was very agressive to the new one for a very long time.


Are they real hardy and they do eat waste and left overs right?
Do I have to get a calcium test with them, so they can molt properly?


Active Member
they are scavengers and will eat anythign that presents itself, including leftovers, and by the way, perfect water?? glad to hear that, it'sa mazing, how one minute you are pulling your hair out, then the next it becomes much easier and everything just seems to go right, and then comes the addiction(almost over nite) if you aren't already addicted, and i don't see whay you couldn't have your shrimp unleess you got something else that may attack it(or them) but it looks like you don't from your list
are you looking at the blood shrimp or the cleaner, ther is a difference, the blood may do the same job but if it does it does not do quite as much, IMO
glad to hear it, but i woudl wait a couple of weeks, before getting more fish, just to make sure all stays well for you


I wish I could say perfect water, but actually I would just say it is good shape, not great. Trust me I will do back flips when it become perfect, if ever.


Active Member
it will, just hang in there, it does take time, but as i said, you'll wake up one day and it'll all seem like it is getting easier and easier, right now, all i do is feed and small weekly h2o changes


My salinity is between 1.020 and 1.021, should I still be able to add the shrimp?
I plane on bumping up the salinity to around 1.023-1.024 by adding a cup of sea salt once a week. I plan on doing this slowly so I do not harm my fish and inverts. Is this plan ok?
So after all that could I still add the shrimp today or should I wait till I get the salinity up?


Active Member
we originally had our shrimp with 1.021, and no problems, what we did, was when we do h2o changes, we just increased the change water about 1/2 pt. to a point(the 5 gallons in 75 diluted it alot) and when we topped off the water, we added a little salt to the top off water instead of using fresh, it took us a couple fo weeks to get it up that way, but it went slow enough to onot harm anything


Thanks hub,
I just posted again about the salinity to get an answer quicker, sorry for my impatience. So I should just add a little salt when I top off the water? How much should I add? A cup a gallon?
Thanks again


Active Member
we made a bucket of change water, about 1/2 - 1 pt higher than our tank, and used that for top off too, then the next bucket we made a little higher, and so on, and since we do wekly changes it did not matter that we had a bucket, aging for a couple of days, we used it anyhow


hey Hub,
I made another post about the shrimp. I asked the guy who answered me a question and I was wondering if you could check out that post and answer it for me?
I also wanna thank you to man, you have helped me so much. ;)