Could I get some info on the Black Dogface Puffer?


I was thinking about getting one so I was wondering how big do they get? What should I feed them? Do they sit at the bottom often or are they pretty active? Just some general info, please.


Active Member
They are pretty expensive animals. They will sit on the bottom when you first get them but get much more friendly as they get to know you. You should feed him an assortment of meaty foods such as krill, prawn, mysis shrimp, and squidd, but I would also mix in some Formula A and B as well. They get to be 10-12" and a minimum tank size should start t 125 gallons, but preferably, closer to 180 to start.


I got my df puffer almost two months ago. When I first got him, he did lay on the bottom of the tank, and he wouldn't eat for four days. Once he got used to the tank, he became a completely different fish. He is awsome, my absolute favorite. He eats like there is no tomorrow. i use krill, clam, formula 2. It is amazing how much he eats; and even after you feed him, he acts like he is starving. He definitely has his own little personality too. He will "pout" if I do anything that makes him unhappy. If I do a water change, add a fish, anything like that. He will lay on the sand and not move for anywhere from one hour to all day, depending on the offense. He is always over it by the next morning, when it's time to eat.
Just in case you haven't picked up on this....I love my puffer. He's a great fish. Good luck...


Originally Posted by dottiekh
I got my df puffer almost two months ago. When I first got him, he did lay on the bottom of the tank, and he wouldn't eat for four days. Once he got used to the tank, he became a completely different fish. He is awsome, my absolute favorite. He eats like there is no tomorrow. i use krill, clam, formula 2. It is amazing how much he eats; and even after you feed him, he acts like he is starving. He definitely has his own little personality too. He will "pout" if I do anything that makes him unhappy. If I do a water change, add a fish, anything like that. He will lay on the sand and not move for anywhere from one hour to all day, depending on the offense. He is always over it by the next morning, when it's time to eat.
Just in case you haven't picked up on this....I love my puffer. He's a great fish. Good luck...
my lay's on the bottom to if i do anything to piss him off, how funny. lol


Active Member
Originally Posted by reeftank27
is a 100 dollars a good price for a 7" dalmation dogface puffer?
i dont nessesarely think its a bad price depending on its health, the larger the fish the more it normally does cost .7 inches is a good size.


Active Member
dog face puffers get to a good size 12" + depending on which species you get
they all share practicely the same diet meatyvariety of foods is a must so they get all the nutrients they require.
foods such as :
crab legs if you want to spoil them once i na while(raw of course)
chunks of raw fish such as fellets cut into chunks(sw species only)
(above is everything i feed my pufferand other meat eaters)
there are other things you can buy through suppliers such as cockles ina shell
also this isnt a must but its very beneficial to puffers to have a cc substrate.
reason for this is puffers love to chew on this stuff to keep there teeth filed naturally without having to worry about feding foods with shell on.if your using sand substrate i suggest placing a small layer of cc over the sand just for your need to worry about cleaning it the puffer will take care of that for you.


Originally Posted by reeftank27
is a 100 dollars a good price for a 7" dalmation dogface puffer?
My df puffer is around 8" and I paid right at a hundred for him. Worth every penny...