Could i possibly have a mated pair finally?!?! (pic)


well i have had a single clarkii clown in my 110 with my LTA for over a month
then i decided to trade one of my "extra" false percs for another clarkii clown...
so 4 days ago i added the 2nd clarkii to the tank where he got the snot beat out of him by everyone includint the other clarkii this went on for 4 days straight to the point where the new clarkii would hide all day and all night and he lost some of his fins from all the biting the other clarkii was doin
but sure enough the lights turned on tonight and i see this....

both of them are now in the same anemone where before my original clarkii would not let the new one even look at it let alone near it
they are both being really rough on the LTA more then usuall...
and they are also always cleaning with their mouths the same corner of live rock directly over the anemone
are they mated? i hope so.....