Could I put a mantis in this...


Could I put a mantis in a tank that will have quite a bit of liverock, a small red volitan lion, and a 18in zebra eel? It would be in a 90g with only these three things, or it might be two lions possibly instead of one, and the mantis would be relatively big.


the lion would eat the mantis.
i saw it happen at my LFS. they found a couple mantis shrimp (ugly black ones) in live rock and they had them for sale for a while but no one wanted them, i was there one day and they told me they were going to put the large mantis in with the lion to see what would happen and i watched the lion swallow it before it could get to the bottom :scared:


Active Member
Originally Posted by scottgotts
the lion would eat the mantis.
i saw it happen at my LFS. they found a couple mantis shrimp (ugly black ones) in live rock and they had them for sale for a while but no one wanted them, i was there one day and they told me they were going to put the large mantis in with the lion to see what would happen and i watched the lion swallow it before it could get to the bottom :scared:

Must have been a smasher mantis...a spearer mantis would have slashed the lion
A small mantis can put it's

into your bone.