could i?


get away with
1 hawkfish
1 six line wrass
1 ocellares clown
1 three stripe damsel
1 clown goby
in a 30g
yes no or maybe?


Although a decent amount of fish for a 30 gal, you may be able to get away with it...
you have a protein skimmer?


no skimmer yet but.... im hoping i could get one within two months or so
i was thinking about the HOB prizme skimmer but i still dont know.... :notsure:


IMO I don't think a 3 stripe is a good idea. I have one in my 30gl and he trys to beat up everything. You may be able to do it though.
Good Luck and have fun.


I had a 3 stripe damsel in my 24 gallon with 2 perc clowns when I started and they fought all the time. I final took them out. I added a royal gramma and a golden head sleeper goby. All are getting along fine and parameters are great.
I do have a big clean up crew with about 45 lbs of LR also.....I think this helps alot.


IMO, I think you could get away with that, however, if it were me, I would forget about the damsel. They are just mean fish, and it can't hurt your bioload to have one less fish.
It does sound like a fun tank. The 6 line wrasse and hawk fish are 2 of my favorites.


Active Member
Originally Posted by SaGxMAN
IMO, I think you could get away with that, however, if it were me, I would forget about the damsel. They are just mean fish, and it can't hurt your bioload to have one less fish.
It does sound like a fun tank. The 6 line wrasse and hawk fish are 2 of my favorites.

i am stiin up a 29 gallon and the fish im gettin are
2 percula clowns
1 firefish goby
1 flame angel(hopefully he wont nip corals)
and maybe a lawnmower blenny
ps damsels are really mean. especially in a 30 with other fish!


i already have the damsel and hawk fish in the tank. any way to get the damsel out? he is still pretty tine about 1.5 in. i want to put a royal gramma or hi fin goby in his place. any ideas on how to get him out? i was thinking of buying a dwarf lion to eat him then get rid of the lion since they are slow swimmers.