I was under the understanding that inverts could not transmit ich. Here's the situation. A few days ago, I purchased some snails, a starfish, and a scallop from a LFS. All were in invert-only tanks. Some of the bag water did get into the tank, although I tried not to. Did not quarantine because I thought inverts couldn't transmit ich. :notsure: Well, now my sailfin has a few dots on him. Looks like time for quarantine for all my fish
So what's the deal? Do I need to quarantine all my snails and inverts before turning them loose in the big tank?? And does the scallp or starfish require quarantine now? I thought hypo would kill both of them....
Thanks for the advice
I was under the understanding that inverts could not transmit ich. Here's the situation. A few days ago, I purchased some snails, a starfish, and a scallop from a LFS. All were in invert-only tanks. Some of the bag water did get into the tank, although I tried not to. Did not quarantine because I thought inverts couldn't transmit ich. :notsure: Well, now my sailfin has a few dots on him. Looks like time for quarantine for all my fish
So what's the deal? Do I need to quarantine all my snails and inverts before turning them loose in the big tank?? And does the scallp or starfish require quarantine now? I thought hypo would kill both of them....
Thanks for the advice