could it really be..?


I added a pair of clowns today and they have been hanging out in a corner (very actively swimming around). I did the proper acclimation and everything, but after a few hours of having them in there I noticed tiny bubbles on them... could this be ick??? I noticed there are a ton of bubbles floating all around them in that corner and am thinking that some of the bubbles just landed on them. Could ick really develop in 3 hours? Trying to be cautious...
:help: Please let me know your thoughts


Hm... i dont know but I added mine yesterday a pair also.. and they are hanging in the corner.. they are pretty small and sometimes they go out in the tank a little more.. Im kinda worried i think one looks like he is breathing heavy.. but im not sure I might just be paranoid


Mine was hanging out in the corner, so when I was adding a crab, I put him in the corner where they were hanging out. I think it made them a little nervous that my hand was so close to them and so they moved. Since then, they have been exploring the tank and ever so often returning to the corner. It's almost like they didn't know they could go somewhere else. I fed them a little and they ate right up. Have you tried to feed yours yet? Mine were breathing a little heavy at first, but nothing big. They seem to be doing really good now. Do you have anything else in your tank yet?


I'm sure your clowns are good, I've heard of fish doing a lot worse when they are getting acclimated (very normal). It's good that you are paranoid!! It shows you care
Seriously, don't worry, I know what you are going through, it is normal what they are doing.


Yea ive had a damsel in there for about 6 months now.. hadnt had a chance to get anything else..well i have 25 snails too... sat i did a 30 gal water change before adding them... they explore a little but havent eaten yet just hang out in the top corner of the tank


what are you planning on feeding yours? I have pellet food that they seem to really like, but tomorrow I was planning on picking up some other stuff (maybe some frozen). Have you heard of people feeding their's frozen lettuce or something? Thought it was kind of interesting...


No.. flake soaked in garlic..the one who didnt seem breathing hard nibbled on it.. i think he spit it out tho.. so if he did that i think its a good sign


yah definately a good sign. I recently turned the lights on in my tank and they seem to be exploring more... i wonder if that has something to do with it. Do you have a game plan for what fish (etc.) you want to put in it?


Active Member
naw, its just micro bubbles. i have a few in my FOWLR tank and every once in a while ill see one or two that got stuck to my moroon clown. look closer.


ich looks like little grains of salt, not like bubbles, so it's probably just bubbles that are stuck, especially if there are bubbles floating around in that vicinity...