Could really use your input


I started my tank October 2005, 55 gallons just a week ago lost all fish after a water change by the girl who takes care of my tank...over that! Sality was so high fish were covered in white bubbles (ICK) just all the sudden showed up? okay so we have gotten over all this, my inverts are fine I have:
2 flame scallops
2 anenomes
3 peppermint shrimp
2 anenome crabs
8 turbo snails
1 yellow/red Gorgarian (spelling?) coral
1 coral banded shrimp
1 chocolate star
1 orange/red star
1 sand sifting star
1 fighting conch
1 Emerald crab
Main question: I have probably 50 pds live rock covered in algae about 50% covered, live sand at about 2 inches, any ideas on how many more cleaners or what I can put in there to clean up the rock? Seems the snails can't keep up, the bottom cleaners are doing well though.
NOTE:: New fish added 3 Green Chromis and 1 Sabae clown on Saturday doing well, feed fish once every two days 1/2 cube brine and 10-12 pellets, inverts every three days 1oz per invert. Also I turn on lights at about 6:30AM shut off at 8PM. Your input would be greatly appreciated. :jumping:


Active Member
what type of lights you have? with your inverts ill tell you what will die by the end of the year:
2 flame scallops
sifting star and the linka star. these are difficult species to care for even the most experienced people plus they need a mature tank meaning at LEAST 1 year old set up with at least 130lbs LR for Linka.
plus i would change your light cycle to 12PM-9PM
that would give you more time to look at your fish saying your not home until at best 3pm
plus this will help to fight off the algae.
get another emeral crabs and about 40 each of assorted snails and hermit crabs