Could someone help identify these please?


I recently just bought some coral frags. There is something on the rock, but I can't seem to tell what it is. It is carnivorous and I have saw it eat mysis shrimp.
I couldn't identify the other coral either, the pink wavy one.



Active Member
I dont know how this is going to sound, but please tell me you did not pay for that...Is nuisance...


New Member
looks like aiptasia anemone, can overrun your tank if not kept in check. Try joes juice to kill the anemone


Active Member
Hold on, I would say that is a button polyp, not a pest.
Will need more detail to see other things you are referencing though.


Originally Posted by ophiura
Hold on, I would say that is a button polyp, not a pest.
Will need more detail to see other things you are referencing though.

i agree... most likely a polyp


here are some button polyps that I have in my tank they come in all shapes and sizes. I see way to me people that jump on a single polyp as a majanoe or apistie anemone. I dont nuke anything without a positive ID on it!!!!!!!!
there are way to many things that look simliar in this hobby alot of which are good some are bad though just make sure which you have once you kill it its gone!!


Active Member
Originally Posted by MichaelTX
I see way to me people that jump on a single polyp as a majanoe or apistie anemone. I dont nuke anything without a positive ID on it!!!!!!!!

LOL I was about to say this as well. Becoming very common, yet I have all sorts of things for years that I would have been told to "nuke" because surely it is a pest. In the end, none have been. I have all sorts of different types of anemones (none turned out to be the more dreaded types of Aiptasia or majano)...and I love the diversity.


I had a single polyp that EVERYONE said was a manjoanoe anemone and to get rid of it. I decided to leave it alone and if it became a problem I would take care of it. It never did just sat there on its little rock and looked great!!!
Never did a complete confirmation on what it really was though.


Active Member
button polyp... and using boiling water to kill apitia makes the coraline turn white... why is that??? does it kill it???


button polyp... and using boiling water to kill apitia makes the coraline turn white... why is that??? does it kill it???
yep it kills it coraline will come back though.


Active Member
yes killing it (boiling water) -- you have a button polyp BTW Ive never seen a small aipstisia with a center mass that big and tenticles so small..I agree with a button polyp.


It is definitely a polyp. Are the lighting and feeding requirements the same as other ployps? I have it towards the top of my tank, it is on a rock with a colony of zoos, and have noticed it looks like it is shriveling a little bit.
Also in my first picture, what are those pink wavy things. This was also a frag, but I have not been able to I.D. it.


the first pic is zoanthid polyps. the button do fine just about anywhere in the tank they just need a place where they dont get blown away they dont like a lot of currant. They will also grab food out of the water colum and close up around it so that may be what your seeing with it.


I wish I had a better camera. In the first picture those pink things have very long tubes and the tops of them almost look like little tenticles, kind of like on a sun coral. It also looks like they have little mouths in the middle of them. I have a few colonies of zoos, but none of them resemble this one. If you need any more info please let me know.
I was also wondering what would happen if I had those polyps in a strong current area, would they die? I was trying to keep my zoos close to the top for lighting reasons, but I dont want to kill the polyp either.
I am going to try and post another picture, my camera is a piece of crap, so its not great, but its a little bit closer.


Active Member
i have one of those button polyps that came with the lr... it made it through the cycle and is still going strong...