Could someone Id for me


I purchaced a established tank. With it I got this eel and don't know much about it. Could someone Id it for me Please. Thanks

darthtang aw

Active Member
No, I can see why it would be possible to confuse the two, but typically a chainlink eel the yellow is thinner and not so prominent. I owned an engineer that looked just like that one pictured. Great fish......Problem is over time, they will clog up theiur digestive tract with sand/rocks. They burrow in the sand under rocks and move it with their mouth. They sometimes end up swallowing the sand a bit.


Active Member
The engineer goby in the photo is a juvenile. The one in the photo posted by xtyx is an adult.
How large is this fish?!


Originally Posted by PonieGirl
The engineer goby in the photo is a juvenile. The one in the photo posted by xtyx is an adult.
How large is this fish?!
You are correct, that is an adult , i have 2 of them about 7" long, they are alot of fun to watch tear up my tank!

I would suggest making sure you LR is firmly on the bottom, as they burrow they will colapse the rock and possibly crush themselvs or damage the tank!


Thanks it is about 10 to 12 inches long now. It is fun to watch. Thanks for the id.