Could this be a nano-beginner reef?


10 gallon tank with a 3 inch DSB and 10 lbs of live rock with a couple crabs/snails. Normal Output lights.
My reason is this. I'm finishing my basement, which I will be putting a 90 gallon reef tank into. I want to show my wife the neat things that can happen. She doesn't want me to spend the money on the 90 gallon ($1500-$2000 after LR and LS). So I want to try to get her hooked using something that wouldn't cost much at all.
No fish, no coral. Just LR and the critters that would hitch-a-ride and some crabs/snails/shimp (whatever).


New Member
ok here is the skinny. Your polyps not opening answer: They are most likely dormant at this time. most corals have a dormant period. Also check the whole coral piece for red alga it can sometimes strangle the coral. Second Answer: yes you can keep an emperor he will nip at polyp stony corals and soft corals so you can make the decision from there.