Could this work?


I have 2 tanks that i want to combine into 1. I have a mated pair of Ocellaris in one and a single Ocellaris in the other. If i added the pair into the other tank, what is the probability of them co-existing? Both tanks have been running for 5+ years and none of the 3 clowns are aggressive. 2 of them are small-medium size and the other one is on the larger side. I have heard that mixing the same species might work but would like to hear some other input also. I would really hate to get rid of my pair or the single one so any help would be greatly appreciated.


Well-Known Member
If you change the entire decor and rock arrangements...they should all feel disoriented and not fight for territory. Usually we introduce clowns all at one time, so rearranging EVERYTHING should create the same effect. That's just an educated guess on my part, I'm not a clownfish expert. My experiance with them is something like 8 years of keeping them....I never bred them.
IMO They are not mean fish in general, but they are very protective over their territory. So if no spot to call their own is established they should
all find a new space, and live happy with each other. There is always a problem it seems with adding new fish with the same color, or body type when it comes to SW fish.