Could use help identifying some coral


New Member
I could use some help identifying some coral if anyone can spare a minute! The link below goes to a geocities page I put up to hold the pictures. Sorry about the little ad to the top right of the page.
I dont have to have scientific names, just some names so I can have something to search online for to get specific lighting/feeding/current needs for these guys! Thanks a lot


Active Member
bottom 2 are zoos
top right is a button polyp
middle right is a kenya tree or colt
top left is a mushroom i belive mabey a type of ricordia
middle left is mabey a leather of some type


Active Member
heres my guesses in the order they are on the page.
1. just a mushroom 2. some kind of button polyp
3. maybe a toadstool leather? definate leather. 4. kenya tree or possible colt
5.zoos 6. zoos