could you tell me the truth?


Active Member
Originally Posted by moonsoonliang
they told me i look thin in these special new fashionable style jeans.what do you think?,3,31,
have you hear of these brand jeans?
Sure I can tell you the truth.
Its worthless spam put on a salt water fish forum by a very mixed up loser that odds are does not even speak english.
I bet you are trying very hard, working your tail off making your products but by spamming discussion forums that have nothing to do with your product line it makes people instantly think you are a dirtbag.
Even lawyers and ambulance chasers look down at spammers as dirtbags.
That honest enough for ya?
Sorry abotu the ban, but good luck with your products.....even if you are a lowlife.


Active Member
Originally Posted by ReefForBrains
Sure I can tell you the truth.
Its worthless spam put on a salt water fish forum by a very mixed up loser that odds are does not even speak english.
I bet you are trying very hard, working your tail off making your products but by spamming discussion forums that have nothing to do with your product line it makes people instantly think you are a dirtbag.
Even lawyers and ambulance chasers look down at spammers as dirtbags.
That honest enough for ya?
Sorry abotu the ban, but good luck with your products.....even if you are a lowlife.