I played it all the time back when it first came out while i was waiting for HL2. Now I play WoW like 10 hours a day though :help: i am addicted to that.
gonna get it once i get my comp, played it at an internet cafe its awesome, when u get flashed its so realistic. also im gonna get wow too, heard its good, but wut i dont like is u have to pay 15 dollars a month
Yea I play it quite a lot some times.. My name is
I sometimes play with my friend of my brother... I like Dust2 Scoutzknivez, assault, italy, and a lot more maps...
ohh yea I forgot... have you guys every gone to GameTiger.com it is really good... you can find anyone in Source without having to have to download stuff...
and I own at scoutz...ahah
Originally posted by Griffin
i also play WoW, if your wondering i play in Windrunner on horde and my name is tabemono
I play on Sargeras. I am a lvl 36 NE Hunter and I HATE horde!!! :joy: lol been ganked by lvl 50+ way to many times so I have no mercey for anyone level 40 to level 1.
I LOVE CS:S, I got the Silver Steam account several months before HL2 came out and have played CS:S about everyday since.
I took about 2 weeks off to beat HL2, but then came right back to CS!!!!
I love then couple off new maps and the BOTS!!!!