Couple of Lighting Questions


I have a 150 gallon tank 48x24x29 It has 2 400wt Reeflux 12k mh. It also has 2 T5ho Blue antic bulbs. Question is do I need to run the antics with the mh seeing how the mh are 12k spectrum? My other questions is if I setup a small frag tank with t5ho lamps what would be the best spectrums to get the fastest growth. Thanks in advance.


Active Member
Only use the actincs if you think it looks better. They're nice for a dawn-to-dusk effect, but if the tank is too blue for you leave them off.
For the frag tank, you're going to want some lower K bulbs around 10,000K like the UVL aquasun for growth, and some higher K bulbs for color. The UVL 75/25 is a pretty good bulb, as well as the ATI blue plus.


with the metal halides on you can't tell a difference between having the antics on or off. So I am wondering if I should just run them for an hour before and an hour after but have them off during the time the mh are on so it's not just wasting electricty.