Couple of pics and questions


New Member
So i have a couple of new pictures of my 5.5 gal and a couple of questions.
My damsel

And whole tank

and i have a few more on my flickr account Here and for the questions i have quiet a few aiptasia in the tank and heard hermit crabs will munch these up, is this true? is there other ways of getting rid of these? and i was thinking of adding a some mushrooms or zoos after i rid the aiptasia is there any other corals that would be good for a tank this small?


Originally Posted by ubuntu.powered
So i have a couple of new pictures of my 5.5 gal and a couple of questions.
My damsel

And whole tank

and i have a few more on my flickr account Here and for the questions i have quiet a few aiptasia in the tank and heard hermit crabs will munch these up, is this true? is there other ways of getting rid of these? and i was thinking of adding a some mushrooms or zoos after i rid the aiptasia is there any other corals that would be good for a tank this small?
I have had better luck with peppermint shrimp eating aptasias... hermits never touched mine... or you could just inject them with "joe's juice"


Active Member
Nope not hermits, peppermint shrimp. Make sure you get Lysmata wurdemanni as this is the shrimp that eats them.

jigga w00t

I used to remove the rock the aiptasia was on, the squirt some boiling water on it with a turkey baster. It worked! Then a few weeks later I noticed 2 new baby aiptasias, then there were 6 that I noticed. Bought a peppermint shrimp, now I can't find any of the aiptasia's! (I think he ate them all in the first couple of days) I'd even recommend a peppermint shrimp over a cleaner "scarlet skunk" shrimp because I've seen the peppermint scavenging the sand, which the scarlet doesn't do... and the peppermint is cheaper.
+3 good reasons for the peppermint shrimp.