couple of question about RO/DI units


Active Member
I'm in the market for an RO/DI unit, and I'm hoping to get the Kent MAX60HiS. I did a search on the board and read some good stuff about this unit. I have a friend who runs a pet store and she get get a lot of Kent gear. She said I could have whatever I wanted at her cost, which is very cool. So, if she can get it, that will be the unit I get.
How fast to these units put out clean water? The one I want is a 60g/day, so I'd assume that means under average conditions, it will put out about 2.5g/hour (60 divided by 24). I'm trying to figure out how long it will take to get the water treated for a water change.
Also... I'm having a terrible problem getting my alk up and steady. I know this has to do with my ca levels, and I've been dosing kalk bi-weekly with water changes (currently using tap water). This puts a lot of phosphates in my water resulting in algae problems. I know the RO/DI unit will help with phosphates, but will it have any direct effect on ph or alk?
Finally, what's involved in setting up/installing one of these?
Thanks for the info.


and use kalk water (lime water) as your makeup water i drip in apx. 1 gal of it a day and it keeps it up mines at 475 cal, 500mag, alk 4.5


I currently have a Kent Maxma and it DOES NOT remove phosphates. I looked at the last post that has a link and it stated a 5 stage system including charcoal. You need to be carefull, you are looking for activated charcoal not ordinary charcoal due to phosphates. My RO/DI does not reduce phosphates (.2PPM before and .2PPM after) It does take out other impurities whatever they may be. What type of water source are you using? MOST of the times you will not need a 5 stage filter unless you live on the love cannal. Really a bare bones should do just fine, especially if you are on relatively clean water source.


Active Member
If you can get that Kent MAX60HiS DO IT !!!
It's the best unit they make.
I use it myself - and it's worked very well for me.
Lab quality water at 99.9% pure ( advertised )
It will remove phosphates and most other toxins in tapwater.
RO/DI water - after you run a batch of new RO/DI - do not get in a hurry and add the saltmix right away.
Depending on the levels of CO2 in the freshwater between the municipal water treatment plant, any pumping stations and finally as it arrives at your house - the CO2 levels MUST BE ALLOWED TO BECOME balance out, or reach equalibrium with your homes CO2 levels in the air. Aerating the RO/DI water first - overnight with a powerhead and heater in the mixing batch vessel - will allow the gas equalibriums to be reached. Oxygen and nitrogen levels as well.
Then you may add the saltmix - and proceed with letting this batch aerate overnight with powerhead and heater.
Doing it all in the same day - you may find that your new saltwater does not mix up right.
The calcium and alkalinity and pH levels may be whacked out.
I've done it both ways and tested - aerate RO/DI and aerate mixed saltwater. On the third day - you're ready to move on with the water change.
Try it yourself when you get the RO/DI unit - if you're interested in seeing how alk, pH and calcium levels play with each other. It's the CO2 gas that is the culprit. Too much or too little CO2 in water solution will toss your pH, alk and calcium levels all around.
Especially in a mixing container when mixing in the salt.
Mix up a small batch without aerating the RO/DI first.
Then do it the "better-way IMO" and see for yourself.


Active Member
OK... the MAX60HiS has been ordered.
Thanks for the info... I can't wait to get this thing and hopefully start to see my tanks balance out.
Broomer... couple more question for ya... Any idea (approximately) how many gallons you get before you have to change the media? And how long should I let it run/filter before I start using the filtered water with my tanks (i.e. is there a break in period on these things)?


I recently ordered the MAX60 Hi-2 as well.
Will this unit alter my PH (alkalinity) at all?
I don't think it does but not totally sure.