Couple of questions to experts...


Hi everyone.
I hope I'm not going to be boring, but I'm really confused about something:notsure:
If I want to set up a refugium tank, do I have to cycle it also? And if I do, do I have to use lights or not?
I would really appreciate if you can share your experiences


I see no need in cycling a refugium. Lights are a must for the growth you need. Run the lights 24/7 if you can afford


Active Member
Yes, you should cycle your fuge, but IMO lighting is dependant on what you want to put in there.
If you plan to put macro algaes in there then yes you must have a source of light. However, IMO a DSB along with LR rubble is just as, if not more, effective IMO.


What is the cycle for? There is nothing going in there except maybe some plant life and/or LR and LS.


Active Member
you want to establish bacteria populations on both the LR and the LS plus you want to avoid any ammonia spikes caused by die off.
A cycle is inevitable, its just a matter of how long it will last and how severe it will be.


Active Member
Well I would think it kinda depends on how large the refugium is, if it is less than 20% of the volume of the display I think you would be okay as long as you used LS and fully cured LR in it. otherwise yes it would be wise to cycle the refugium before you add it to the circulation of the display.


I understand what you are saying, 007. I think that they are wanting to add the refugium to an existing set-up. Would gradus cycle the tank by itself before attaching the tank to the display?


Active Member
I dont see any need to cycle the fuge...
When i set mine up all i did was basically a water change without changing the water... 2 months goin strong



Originally posted by aarone
I dont see any need to cycle the fuge...
When i set mine up all i did was basically a water change without changing the water... 2 months goin strong

Exactly my point. Your adding good fresh saltwater to your "established" tank. It's like a water change. I also agree with the LR statement. You should cure your LR anyway so there is no die off.


Thganx all for the response...can you give an idea what kind of plants are you using for your refuge?:happyfish


Active Member
Dont use the caluerpa a search for caleurpin I would go with spaghetti macro.