Couple of random Questions


First. I have noticed little green pieces of somthing collecting in areas of my rock. Is this crab poo. It's looks like it could be, but I'm not sure. Do I have to clean it out or is there somthing I can put in the tank to get rid of it.
Second. Will I have to re-cylce my tank if I switch to live sand when I move in a couple of weeks.
And third. My GF is going off to school and wants a small tank for her dorm room. She wanted an urchin, and I'm wondering if it would be ok in a say 5 or 10 gallon tank by itself. A chunk of LR, some CC, a powerhead, filter heater and light. Would this be ok? Any suggestions?


Active Member
What type of LS are you getting. If it is truly LS either from the ocean, or established sandbed from a LFS or reefer then you may not get much of a spike, I assume you are going to take all the water and reuse it. And reuse any LR and filters that you have. You may get a small spike, if you do not have an alternative place for your animals you can control the elevated levels with water changes.
As far as an urchin in a nano. I think that is probably not a very good idea, Ophuria would be the best to answer she knows the most about them, but I doubt a nano could produce enough food for an urchin.
The smallest salwater tank I would do would be a 10gallon, but yes, a couple pieces of LR, a sandbed a HOB filter and a heater and light and you can keep a couple small fish and some inverts. I would steer clear of corals though, at least for a while.